Musharaka Capital

Announcement by Musharaka Capital Company for providing the public with the interim financial statements of Musharaka Murabahat & Sukuk Fund’s for the period ending on (2024-06-30) are available to the public

Announcement by Musharaka Capital Company for providing the public with the interim financial statements of Musharaka Murabahat & Sukuk Fund’s for the period ending on (2024-06-30) are available to the public

Musharaka Capital
11 Aug, 2024

Musharaka Capital Company Announces the Interim Financial statements of Musharaka Murabahat & Sukuk Fund for the Period ending on (30-06-2024).


Net Assets: 48,178,294 SAR


Total Expenses and Fees: 175,430 SAR


Net Profit/(Loss):1,131,387 SAR


Number of the Outstanding Units: 4,322 ,117


Net Unit Value for Unit: 11.15 SAR


Revenue of the period %:  2.11%